Its all about my perceptions over various aspects of relationships.Its about life, Its about Angel, Its about Shattered dreams and wet pillows with sleepless night
Relationships are easy to gain and difficult to maintain that’s what I believe in. Treasure every relation you possess, never loose it. Many times a relationship comes to an end due to misunderstandings in that relation, sometimes immaturity is the reason and at times personal egos clash. Misunderstandings, Immaturity, lack of patience, egos can just destroy a relation. Other major reason for an ending of any relation is expectations. This expectations levy on every relation, everyone involved in the relation expects and it is obvious but one should not allow the expectation to affect the relation. This never happens everyone just expects and ends up in frustration and blaming the other for not fulfilling the things desired. Expectations of individuals levy on one another and than the sessions of blames starts which end up in pointing out one another. Often people don’t communicate with each other in any kind of disputes just because of the personal egos, and the relation comes to an end without any communication and without any possibility of second life to it. Every relation requires better and open communication to avoid misunderstanding. One among the two has to behave maturely to save the relation. People often remember the pains and hurts in the relation, they never realize that, the relation also possessed some good times, some happy moments which all are considered negligible during any kind of misunderstandings and grudges. If any of your relation is at the stage of ending up just give a second thought for bringing it back to life again. Relations are not easily carried. Please communicate with each other before ending up, don’t loose the relations because of egos, misunderstanding, silence or anything. Don’t let anything spoil your relation.
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