Its all about my perceptions over various aspects of relationships.Its about life, Its about Angel, Its about Shattered dreams and wet pillows with sleepless night
Bounding any one in any relation is not good as it will just spoil the relation. What kind of bounds people involve in any relation can be specified as sharing every feeling, every thought. Expecting to know everything regarding each other and expecting priority and preference. Why this bounding is necessary when the person in relation is important for you. What exactly should matter is the person and the relation, there should not be involvement of any kind of bounding. It’s obvious to expect sharing of feelings, thoughts and the thing that is distracting any individual but if the person is not comfortable in telling or sharing, the other should wait till the one is comfortable. Many times people need space to overcome something, some time they need time for themselves and in that time if any one interferes they get irritated and frustrated it’s again obvious. These things should not be the reason of disputes and arguments. So what if the one is not comfortable in sharing all the things, why should be there any bounding to share. If the person will wish he/she will share, u can’t force anyone to share. Don’t try to bind anyone with the rules and regulations you think is important in relation. A relation is beyond the bindings, what matters in any relation is the person and your feelings for the person not the percentage of thoughts you share with each other. On the contrary if you are into any relation consider the other as your friend why should be there any feeling like he/she won’t understand, at least try once to express yourself. If you can’t be open to the ones you love than you can’t have the courage to express yourself in front of anyone. Who knows your loved ones can help you in overcoming different situations and you carry the thing in much better after sharing.Guys there should not be any compulsion of sharing but yes a feeling from within to share. Bounding can just create distances as no one like to be in bindings..Give importance to the person and the relation not the imperfections
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